Outreach has always been a strong part of Imperial's High Energy Physics group - indeed, the "Particle Physics Masterclasses" were a big factor in my decision to go into the subject. That's why it's an honour to be representing Imperial at the NESTA FameLab 2009 competition - a sort of "Pop Idol" for scientists - with £10,000 and a few Channel 4 "Three Minute Wonder"s up for grabs at the National Final at this year's Cheltenham Science Festival.
I won the Oxford regional heat with a three-minute talk about the search for Dark Matter at the CMS experiment - something the Imperial group is very strongly involved with, which of course nicely complements the group's involvement with Zeplin. The competition was tough - two Oxford "wildcards" also made it through to the final - but the day was an incredibly rewarding experience, providing the chance to meet and get some feedback from some of the top science communicators in the country. A big thanks to the FameLab team, who made the day such a joy to take part in - and to those who gave me the chance to develop my shows/technique with lots of practice (particularly during National Science & Engineerin Week). Outreach is difficult, and it takes time - but particularly when everyone is thinking very carefully about where their money is going, it's essential that we as scientists not only justify what we're doing to the UK tax payers, but also inspire them to really think about the mind-bending implications our results could have for our understanding of the Universe in which we find ourselves. Hopefully things like FameLab can help.
The final is this Friday (5th of June). I've spent a weekend with the other ten contestants for a "Masterclass" session, and they were all fantastic to work with and are certainly all worthy of winning - so it'll be down to the performance on the day. Whether I "Boyle" it, or really give our friend Prof. Brian Cox something to worry about, I'll keep you posted ;-)
You can also catch me at the Royal Institution on Tuesday 9th June, where I'll be giving my "Whatever is the Matter?" public lecture about the LHC-based search for Dark Matter - the hypothesised "missing fifth" of the Universe.
Oh, and 10 points for anyone who can guess what I'm doing with my hand in the video.
02 June 2009
Imperial HEP in the spotlight
Post by Tom Whyntie
Posted on
Tuesday, June 02, 2009
Labels: cms, dark matter, FameLab 2009, lhc, tom whyntie
Hi Tom,
Good luck on Friday! Very impressive how everyone in the video is clearly able to convey their enthusiasm about science and is highly articulate -- but no one more so than you with your finger-wiggling "phfsewooooot"....
I'll have to get back to you for the 10 points....
Here's how I got on... thanks for the support everyone!
Very well done indeed, Tom! 10,000 pounds, eh? Let us know when the Channel 4 bit goes out!
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